Tuesday, May 24, 2011


If I've said it once I've said it several times. I need to write more. I am writing more, but that's beside the point. Today I thought I'd talk about what exactly I'm talking about when I say "writing". Basically, I have six different writing projects over the summer.

The first should be obvious. You're looking at it. See this? This is a blog post. I wrote it. Well, I'm writing it, but from your perspective I wrote it. Blogging is probably the easiest writing to keep up because if I didn't then those who read this would get cross with me. I've got a twofold motivation for blogging that's the same as my reason for making videos obligatory plug. I like to do it and apparently other people like to see it. That's important. Nobody wants to do something when there isn't a clear indication of its worth.

My next project is also my newest. It's my first serious attempt at writing professionally. See, Ryan North, the linguistic genius behind the webcomic Dinosaur Comics, is asking once again for submissions for the next Machine of Death book. I will be writing a short story for this. People, make sure I do this.

The next part is somewhat secret but it involves collaborative script-writing and I need to get that whole deal started as well. Keep an eye out on the YouTubes.

The fourth project is also somewhat secretive. I'm basically novelizing a friend's unwritten memoirs. I expect this to take some time. Also that friend needs to bring it up more often and ze knows who ze is.

Penultimately, as I've mentioned a bit on Twitter, I'm going to participate in JulNoWriMo this year. The only timed writing project I've ever done was the 24 Hour Comic and I've never written a full novel, so this should be challenging. I'm hoping I win. Seeing as I already have a vague premise (superpowered private school adventure romance) and quite a few ideas, I'm hoping this goes well.

The last writing project is not a project per say. I want to continue any writing "for fun" stuff I already have and any vague ideas that pop in my head- Songwriting, Flashes (more on that later) and anything else that strikes my fancy.

So what about you, Minutaur Bloggy People Read Havers? What kind of crazy business are you getting into this summer?


  1. I need to write more as well. I used to do it all the time and now . . . well, you know how it is!

    I'm hopefully going to create a history video series where I read real accounts from Americans who survived a certain major event - I'm in the middle of reading "The Good War" by Studs Terkel. I really like the idea, but the novelty of it might just wear off before I actually do the darn thing. The summer is long, and we'll see if I actually do it!

  2. I can't wait for JulNo. That reminds me, I need to decide on my plot and start getting an outline together.

  3. I like to write. I write a lot. I just started a blog and sometimes I write essays for class, but most of my writing isn't obligatory. I guess you could call me a writer. :)
