Sunday, November 6, 2011

BioWriMo Year Six: Homeschool

I turned five in 1995. I was probably still in therapy around this time. I was probably still getting the finer points of reading at this time. Like I’ve stated, my memory is foggy.

I suppose that I officially started being homeschooled at this time, but with my brother in my house and all I had practically started already much earlier. So our mom would teach us out of books, drill us with sheets of math problems and (probably not for a few years after this) use software to teach us.

There were a lot of benefits to homeschooling. If Mom was sick or busy we would basically not do the school thing. We had school in the summer but there were field days scattered throughout when we vacationed or went to museums and stuff. Daily school wasn’t bad when we could finish by early in the day by finishing our allotted work.

I remember thinking I could draw. By which I mean I did bad stick figures. It was awful and nothing compared to Aaron’s burgeoning skill. I got way better eventually, trust me.

I remember thinking I could write. The only thing that sticks in my head from this age is some godawful stream-of-consciousness deal about a parrot. I hope I have improved since.

Something I haven’t touched on was religion. My family has always been very religious. I’m pretty sure we went to the same church the whole time we lived in Tucson. It was a Baptist church in a tent. They eventually built a real building there and I remember playing in the rocks around it. The church owned a lot of property around there and I’d often (usually with my brother) go back into the area around and explore. I’ve always loved walking in nature. I remember once getting a piece of jumping cactus stuck in my sandal and it sucked so bad and hurt forfreakingEVER.

Yeah, sandals. See, I didn’t actually learn to tie my shoes for a LONG time. I always had shoes with velcro or sandals because I think I was taught to tie shoes and then forgot and I never wanted anyone to know that. A lot of things in my development were like that but this is the best example for this age.

Anyway I think anything else I could talk about right now happened when I was six, which is a story for another day.

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